Friday, January 26, 2007

Ramblings ...

People who know me well, know that I am a rambler. I have a lot on my mind right now, and I'm going to ramble.

First of all, I want to get this off of my chest. Bush wants us to do what? Wait to see how this plan works out?? Is that what he wants??? EXCUUUUUUSSSSEEEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! Mr. Bush ... ummmm, NONE OF YOUR PLANS HAVE WORKED YET !!! DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT THIS ONE WILL????

Okay ... thank you for that. A-hem ... I feel MUCH better.

N is going to Iraq. I believe I've already talked about it. We'll just pretend I did, so I can get on with my point. Why do we want to risk Nick's life for YOUR STUPID PLAN !!! We already lost one child, do we need to lose another??? For what??? A place that has been in civil unrest since the beginning of time ~!!! Every. One. Knows. That. This. Will. NOT. Solve. Their. Issues !!! Even IF the PLAN succeds!!!

Okay ... next soapbox.

Why is it when you perform a service, that people want a discount ~~!!! Why is it that just because you're not carrying out a shopping bag, that you don't need you to pay your fee??? ... We drive used cars. We don't have new cars. We have people that drive up in Lexus' and Escalades, and want the sign up fee waived, or a break in their membership. Excuse me, I went to school to give you the knowledge that you're paying me to give you. I will spend 3 hours with you, training you and I want to do that for what??? Maybe I want to drive a Lexus just like yours. I can't do that unless I give you this service, AND you pay me for it. No we're not being JERKS, we're trying to make a living just like you. SO. GET. OVER. IT!!!

Okay ... done with soapbox stuff ... now just more ramblings.

My Daughter. Wow. What can I say about her. I used to call her my wild child. She was beyond control, purposely defying everything I said. Terrible and loud temper tantrums. She was a difficult child.

That child left a while back. A new model arrived about a year ago. This new model does her chores on her own, I rarely have to tell her to do them. She is homeschooled this year. I'm not home in the mornings, but I help her in the afternoons. I'm always a phone call away, and she utilizes that option often. PLUS, she can always come into work with me. She loves it there, she gets her PE credit as well. However, the new model likes to stay home and work on her homework. Guess what? She does. And Very Well. She is getting grades that range from 80 to 100%. :::DISCLAIMER::: We just changed programs very recently, so only about 20 assignments have been done so far::: But its quality work. She is understanding her math, and that has always been so hard for her. Now she's enjoying doing it. Well, maybe not, cuz she says she HATES school ... but I can tell it doesn't bother her to do it. Even the old homeschool, the new model did well. I told her that she needed to get 80% and above, and she did.

Okay ... Sooooooooooooooo

She is such a responsible new model, I'm in awe of her. She's smart, witty, has a wonderful personality. I'm having a good time watching her blossom.

She's going to turn 13 on March 1. THIRTEEN !!! Okay, first off, I'm not even old enough to have a child that old. She's been wanting to spread her wings for so long. This is kind of like a milestone birthdays, where the new model has disappeared and a TEEN appears. The TEEN model wants more privileges. The TEEN model wants to hang out in town with her friends. The TEEN model wants to wear make-up in public. The TEEN model wants black hair. Okay ... the new model wanted it. And for Christmas, she got it. BLACK HAIR, PEOPLE !!!

I've decided I needed to choose my battles. World War III might be in the works, but it won't start in my house. I have decided its easier to NOT argue or fight about everything. And it works for me. My sanity depends on it.

So I've gone from child, to new model, and I'm approaching TEEN. I'm kind of scared. TEEN has always been more feared than the terrible twos.

My Daughter. I told you I'm in awe of her ... well I am. Her best-friend since kindergarten, R, tried out for a play. Annie Get Your Gun. R likes acting, wants to persue it. She tried out for the play, and she talked L, my daughter, into trying out. She told me she would do it for moral support. So they both tried out. On Tuesday, we got the call, L had made it. She called R and she made the play too. Wednesday would be the first day of rehearsal. So we went in with bells on. L understood she got a part in the play. We went in the Buffalo Lodge* (not real name of lodge) where the rehearsals are being held and had a seat. The director called off who got what part, everyone dutifully stood up. When it came to L and the part she supposedly got, the director called another girls name. I was shocked. I was ready to grab my kid and get outta there. Turns out L, is in the chorus.

My Daughter. I told you I'm in awe of her ... well I am. I was disappointed. I was crushed. I would've been a big baby about it. L wasn't upset at all. She was happy she was in the play at all. There was no hurt, or disappointment. She was excited. Then they measured her for her costume ... she was on cloud 9. Love that girl. Excuse me, Young Lady.

*The Buffalo Lodge: A Lodge that has been in existence since the beginning of time in 1927. It smells like that too. I was talking to someone who went in there as a child and is now 54. She asked if it was still a rank musky smell. YUP ... migraine bad.

Its a MENS club. There was a picture of the Grand Poo-Bah and his cohorts the Worthy Somethings.


Holly had this on her blog and she waneds her readers to post it too ... so here goes. Lets see if I can pass the computer literate test.

Your Birthdate: November 10

Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.

Your strength: Your ability to gain respect

Your weakness: Caring too much what others think

Your power color: Orange-red

Your power symbol: Letter X

Your power month: October

Holly, be proud !!! I did it all by myself, no help !!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wow !!!

Holly is pretty popular in the adoption blog circle. Although I lurk frequently in the adoption blog circle, I am not well know. True, I am an adoptee ... however, these are prospective adoption parents (paps).

Because Holly tagged me, I had the most hits to my blog yet.

Holly is the best :-) ... ya gotta love her !!!

I've Been TAGGED !!!

Its about TIME !!! I've been tagged by Holly. She is in the very looooong process of adopting a child. I really love Holly, she's a hoot. I love her humor and her outlook on life.

Here's the theme:

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Turn to page 123
3. Write down lines 6-8.
4. Tag 3 people.

So here goes:

And always on her anniversary. He didn't know why he came that often.

Okay ... not very interesting. I'm a huge Dean Koontz fan. LOVE HIM !!! That was from "The Face". The main characters wife had died years before. He always visited her gravesite on the anniversary of her death.

Now its time to tag three people.

Jesse, Lauri, and Melissa.

Lizardspit and Musicals

Byetta. Lizardspit. Gillie. Lizzie.

All names for a new (well new for me) drug. It comes from the saliva of the Gila Monster.

I know ... sounds real appealing, right?

Even more appealing ... I have to inject it.

OH BOY !!!

The results: a thinner more beautiful ME ... well, I am supposed to lose weight. AND, my blood sugar will drop.

I've injected myself 2 times already, Maria injected me the first time.

Picture it: We're standing in the kitchen (the Byetta needs to be chilled), and I have my shirt up and my pants down so she can stab me in the stomach with the needle. She aims turns her head and FIRES !!! Ummmm ... I backed away from her. She isn't doing this without looking !!!

So I sit down, and she injects it. It wasn't so bad. The needles are soooo small. I also have this spot above where I had my c-section that is totally numb, so I had her do it there.

My First Time: Imagine I'm all primed and ready to give myself a shot. I work up to in, go in for the kill ... and stop. So I think about the benefits and try again. And again. And again. I finally did it, I don't know how, but I did. It really wasn't that bad.

I'm still kind of apprehensive about the needle thing, but at least I know it doesn't hurt.

I know this is more experimental for me. I figure, if this works, I won't have to advance on to insulin just yet. I'm not fooling myself, insulin is in my future (unless I get the WLS), and this will give me practice to inject myself as well. So I might as well get used to it. I do prick my finger. In fact, that hurts worse than the injections.


My daughter, L and her friend, R hang out ALL the time. They are BBF.

Friday, late afternoon, R called and asked if L wanted to audition for a play/musical. I'm not too sure if L was very excited about it at all. But R is her best friend, and she wanted to support her friend. Oh yeah, we had to leave in about an hour for auditions. R had tried out the night before, but came with us anyways.

I'm glad she did. On the way to auditions, R was coaching her. She gave her pretty sage advice, I was really impressed. R really knows what she's doing. Its a dream of hers to act one day. She can do different accents, identify an accent as well, and she knows how to impress the director. I didn't know all this about her.

When we get to the dank, musky Masonic Temple, where the picture of the "Worshipful Master" was dutifully hanging in the foyer (where does that word come from?), we were ushered in and given the script book, the tryout sheets and the list of characters available.

They went over a few songs that were going to be sung for the auditions, prepared everyone for the auditions, and went on their merry way. At first L was talking with R, not paying attention to the auditions. Then she watched one, and realized that this wasn't going to be easy. So she started reading along with the script, and practicing to herself.

Her turn came. She was to read the script first, and then sing one of the practiced songs. She stood up in front of everyone, made eye contact, projected her voice and done her Momma proud. She did awesome, with the script and the song.

She went to sit down, and the director came over and stood L and R up to see who was taller and made them resing a song. I think he's very interested in having both of them in the play.


Okay ... for me, its cool.

I'm proud.

I soooo want her to get the part !!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Military Hop

Nick and Annie just made it to Germany. Well, about 6 hours ago, but we got the call about an hour ago. They aren't to where they're supposed to be yet. They have to travel cross country to make it where they need to be. The army is putting them up in a hotel for the night, and tomorrow they will make it to Bamberg, their destination. The babies were relatively good on the flight. They had extra seats for the flight so they could lay the babies out to sleep ... and they did most of the flight. The hotel room they have right now has waxed wooden floors, so the babies are having a blast running up and down the floors slipping and sliding on them.

I can't believe they're in another country, seems unreal to me. I bet Nick and Annie are in awe of the place. They had a three to four hour drive from the airport to where they are at now. So they've already seen a lot of countryside. How surreal it all must be. How exciting. How scary.

Best wishes for you guys ... we love you and miss you already.