Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Military Hop

Nick and Annie just made it to Germany. Well, about 6 hours ago, but we got the call about an hour ago. They aren't to where they're supposed to be yet. They have to travel cross country to make it where they need to be. The army is putting them up in a hotel for the night, and tomorrow they will make it to Bamberg, their destination. The babies were relatively good on the flight. They had extra seats for the flight so they could lay the babies out to sleep ... and they did most of the flight. The hotel room they have right now has waxed wooden floors, so the babies are having a blast running up and down the floors slipping and sliding on them.

I can't believe they're in another country, seems unreal to me. I bet Nick and Annie are in awe of the place. They had a three to four hour drive from the airport to where they are at now. So they've already seen a lot of countryside. How surreal it all must be. How exciting. How scary.

Best wishes for you guys ... we love you and miss you already.


Blogger jessie200 said...

Hi Melissa,

Where are you, I hope that you are okay, it's just that I miss your posts, See you soon,


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:03:00 PM  

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