Friday, December 15, 2006

Do I really need to name each post???

Yesterday we had a wind storm. Okay, we've had about 8 now since the beginning of November. That's my count, but I'm sure I'm pretty accurate. I told my Mom when we first met that in the past couple years we hadn't had many wind storms, but this year is MUCH different. Most of them have been pretty normal, but the one that blew in yesterday was a DOOZY!!!

The power went out at work about 2:20 yesterday afternoon, so I closed down and came home. A few minutes before I made it home, the power went out. Not a problem for me, but when you're twelve, and have no power it really bites. I took a nap. My daughter woke me about 8:30 last night and the winds had picked up really bad. We talked for a while, and then tried to sleep, but it was raining branches on our roof ... no, it was pouring branches on our roof. It started out with small ones and gradually the bigger branches were banging on our roof.

I'm a chicken when it comes to wind storms. We have a bunch of trees behind our house and a few have landed on our house, so we got up and left. I have a friend that lives pretty close to me, and she doesn't have any tree threat, and was kind enough to offer shelter. I had a horrible nights sleep, a different place, but I didn't have to listen to the branches hitting the roof. I thought for sure that we were going to have a tree on our roof when we got home, but we were very lucky. Maria is in Texas, and she's usually my rock during times like this. I'll sure be happy when she gets home.

On another note:

I have been thinking quite a bit about E and meeting her. I think I'm coming around. My Mom can be quite persuasive ... gotta love her.

I hope everyone is doing well ...

Oh yeah ... we got our power turned back on within 24 hours of it first going out. The storm didn't actually end until mid morning this morning. So the power crews worked very diligently to get us up and running. I heard the internet is out from Portland to Olympia and from Tacoma to Bellingham. We ride piggy back on those fiber optic lines, so we don't have any DSL, but I'm happy to report dial up is still going. The one time I can praise dial up !!!


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