Sunday, January 21, 2007

I've Been TAGGED !!!

Its about TIME !!! I've been tagged by Holly. She is in the very looooong process of adopting a child. I really love Holly, she's a hoot. I love her humor and her outlook on life.

Here's the theme:

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Turn to page 123
3. Write down lines 6-8.
4. Tag 3 people.

So here goes:

And always on her anniversary. He didn't know why he came that often.

Okay ... not very interesting. I'm a huge Dean Koontz fan. LOVE HIM !!! That was from "The Face". The main characters wife had died years before. He always visited her gravesite on the anniversary of her death.

Now its time to tag three people.

Jesse, Lauri, and Melissa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I love you too, Darlin'
Let me know how your doing!

your book was much lighter and more fun than mine. :)

Sunday, January 21, 2007 5:18:00 PM  
Blogger Pug Mama said...

Hi Melissa, I was on Holly's blog, and read that she tagged "Melissa" I thought she meant me, but when I clicked on the link (to make sure it was me) it turned out to be your blog. So I said, "okay, it wasn't me", and then I read your post, and saw that you tagged me! I was shocked, being that I would have never known you tagged me, or that you even read my blog, if I hadn't clicked over from Holly's blog.
Took me by suprise.
So I decided to read your blog to get to know the person that reads my blog.
You have such an interesting story. You are so honest. I really enjoyed reading it.
I seem to remember awhile back getting an email from someone named Melissa asking if her daughter could download something from my blog. Was that you?
anyway, funny how I found your blog, and find out your following mine.
You are the second person to give me this tag, and I promise I will get to it soon!
looking foward to following your story, now that I 'know' you!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007 5:37:00 PM  

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