Thursday, October 19, 2006

This post is JUST for my Australian friend

Hi J ... I haven't moved the blog over, so don't worry about it yet. However, I set up the email address right now, just for you, so you can keep in touch while I'm away.

take care ... me

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Imitation = Flattery ???

Maybe ... maybe not. Is plagerism a form of flattery or is it theft? Is my blog up for anyone to take and do with what they will? I had expected a few "haters" or the occasional "heckler" ... but I never expected flat out theft.

I'm not going to grace this site with adverstisment of their name here. Suffice it to say, they make this their practice. They steal peoples blogs, place them on their own site with advertisement, and make money off of them. Off of MY blog. I didn't think mine was that interesting.

However, now my pictures are out there for the world to view. Of course they were here too, but not many people visit this blog. A lot of people visit their site.

Frustration, anger, disbelief ... just a few of the emotions that come to mind when I think of this. I'll get over it just like I get over everything else in my life. You live and learn.

Sooooooooooooooooo ... I'm creating a new blog in a new space. I haven't moved completely over there yet, it may take a week or two before its complete. I have a lot to transfer over and I have to figure out how to do it. This new space is more secure and I can put a password on the picture content so my pictures won't be out there for the world to see.

I will create a temporary yahoo account so I can have you email me there, if you don't already know my aol email, and I'll give you the new sites address and the password for the picture content. You won't be able to google my site, because I have a restriction on that, so you'll have to get the address from me. For the people that I know their email address, I will email you the information when it is necessary.

For the time being, this blog will be in haitus and this will be the second to the last post. The last post will be telling you the email address to send your request to.

Take care everyone ... thanks for staying posted, and I'll get back to you all when my new blog is up and running. Hey H of NWpeace ... if you want to be of assistance, please let me know. I'm having problems figuring out how to export from blogger. I'm moving to your site.

You know I love you all ... melissa

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Now what???

I don't have anything to post about weight loss surgery, and my journey towards it. My primary care physician agreed to stand by me for pre- and post-op. So that's awesome. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist for mid November, and I will talk to her about it at that time. And that's it ... really boring stuff.

So now that I don't have anything real to post regarding WLS, what now??? Do I talk about my life like I've been doing lately, or go on haitus? I just don't know if my life is exciting enough.

My knee is still hurting, I think I'm going to get ahold of my doctor tomorrow to see what the MRI said.

I talked to my birth mother for 70+ minutes today. She is an amazing person. AND she elluded to the fact, without coming right out and saying it, that she wants a future with me. I am worried about her, however, and I can't stop thinking about my need to jump in and help her. I don't want to overwhelm her, but I am a constant worrier. I would love to move her to my home town. As remote as my community is, its surprising that we have so much to offer someone in her position, so much more than her community. She's not seeing the advantages, but I'll keep telling her about where I live. I just found out that she loves water, oceans, lakes and rivers, and I live one street away from a large body of water. So that is an added plus.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mish Mash

Wow ... I didn't realize that it had been so long since I posted. I'm sorry I haven't updated. A few people have asked what my last post meant. My bmother asked to not be contacted for a certain amount of time. I felt she was saying goodbye without having to say it. It kinda stung a bit.

However, she called me today and things are back on track. I have a feeling this is going to be a rollercoaster ride. So I'm strapping in and going to take what I can get out it. I hope I can be a good daughter to her.

No news on the WLS front. So there is no update there.

About two weeks ago, my girlfriend and I were taking a walk. We always walk at night, and I live on a poorly lit street with no sidewalks. We were walking down the middle of the road when I tripped on the edge of a drainage pipe hole. I went down hard ... right on my knee. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain.

Well, I didn't go to the doctor for a week. He said I broke my knee cap cuz he could move the top of it independently from the bottom. Well, xrays proved him wrong. In fact all the xrays showed besides some slight arthritis was healthy strong bones. I went home that night and stupid me, turned and strained my knee pretty good. That hurt soooo bad. So I called the doctor first thing in the morning, and he referred me to an orthopedic doctor and I took a full series of knee xrays. So the new dr said that my knee cap is severely bruised and he thinks I have many micro fractures as well. He ordered an MRI because I have pain behind my knee cap as well. I won't get those results until at least Monday.

In the meantime, between the two doctors I was given vic0d in and per c0cet. I took them last week, but stopped on Monday. I was feeling a bit loopy all the time, and not wanting to crawl out of the chair I had been sleeping in.

I was sleeping in a chair because for five days, I was taking care of my mother in law. My girlfriend went down to San Diego to visit her sisters and father, so I had the honor of gritting my teeth. I should've gone to the ER a few times to get my tongue sewn back on ... I bit it quite a few times. Staying loopy during my stay there really helped me stay mellow and not blow my top.

My MIL is a nice person, but our personalities clash when we spend too much time together, and it is HER place and she really doesn't like people to invade it. I tried my best to respect that, but sometimes it was difficult.

I have a stat counter on my blog and it tells me where people are visiting from. I had a hit from off the coast of Africa last week. I have a gal from Australia that pops up every once in a while. I have a friend from Nova Scotia that comes here and people up and down the east and west coast. And a couple in Texas as well (one of them was my Dad). Anyways ... I'd like to hear from these people I don't know that are visiting. Please leave a note and tell me a tiny bit about yourself. Its nice to see where the people are from who are reading this.

Well, its late for me ... I get up early in the mornings. Take care all ...

I'll really try to post more often.