Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Now what???

I don't have anything to post about weight loss surgery, and my journey towards it. My primary care physician agreed to stand by me for pre- and post-op. So that's awesome. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist for mid November, and I will talk to her about it at that time. And that's it ... really boring stuff.

So now that I don't have anything real to post regarding WLS, what now??? Do I talk about my life like I've been doing lately, or go on haitus? I just don't know if my life is exciting enough.

My knee is still hurting, I think I'm going to get ahold of my doctor tomorrow to see what the MRI said.

I talked to my birth mother for 70+ minutes today. She is an amazing person. AND she elluded to the fact, without coming right out and saying it, that she wants a future with me. I am worried about her, however, and I can't stop thinking about my need to jump in and help her. I don't want to overwhelm her, but I am a constant worrier. I would love to move her to my home town. As remote as my community is, its surprising that we have so much to offer someone in her position, so much more than her community. She's not seeing the advantages, but I'll keep telling her about where I live. I just found out that she loves water, oceans, lakes and rivers, and I live one street away from a large body of water. So that is an added plus.


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