Monday, September 18, 2006

So TOTALLY off topic


Maybe I'm putting the cart before the horse. Who knows ... all I know is right now, I'm not sure how I'm feeling. No ... it has nothing to do with the surgery, this is off topic, remember?

I got an email today from a website called "". Well, let me back up a bit. For those of you who don't know, I'm adopted. I was relinquished at birth. When I turned 18, I started searching for my birth mother. Along the way, I have found a brother, then a sister, then a birth father, he had a son and daughter, I found an uncle ... who then multiplied to 3 uncles. But after 22 years, my birthmother has been elusive. I have always remained two steps behind her. I would think I found her, but then she was gone. I thought she was avoiding being found.

I registered at many reunion registries over the years, and still get updates from a few of them. One of them "Who-Me" usually just says ignore this email and your registry will stay the same. So that's what I've always done. I've even resorted to deleting them before I read them. Which is what I was going to do today when I received this one. Something told me not to. I opened it up and and was so shocked. My office chair is on wheels. I pushed myself from my desk and looked and looked at the email. I couldn't believe my eyes. My birthmother had written me. OMMFG !!!

I can't tell you the emotions that flooded me at that moment. She contacted ME ... I didn't have to contact her. Does that mean there will be no rejection?

Hmmmmmm ... one thing. She relinquished 3 children. Two of which, my brother, Tony and sister, Ramona, have the same father, the one she was married to. I had a different father. She wrote to me as if I were Ramona. I emailed her back with a few lines, not sure what I wrote now. But I told her I wasn't Ramona. The next thing I need to tell her about Ramona, is that she died in 2001.

I am anxiously awaiting a phone call, email ... SOMETHING !!!

My head is spinning ...


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