Monday, September 04, 2006

Drastic times calls for drastic measures ...

Having WLS is a drastic measure. And I don’t see it as a magic fix to my problem. There are many stories of hardship along this journey and it is anything but easy. There are so many little things that can go wrong, and so many people go back under the knife to correct something that happened. Hernias happen a lot because when you lose a lot of fat, there is a gaping hole, and its easy for something to break free through that.

There are three disciplines that you need to stick to after the surgery.

1. Protein-a high protein intake (anywhere from 40-60g) each day.
2. Water-64oz of it !!!
3. Exercise-the more you exercise, the faster the weight will come off, and the toner you’ll be.

There are some things you have to really avoid with your diet, for
two reasons. 1) you want the weight to come off, and 2) I keep
hearing this awful term called “dumping”. (there is a WLS dictionary link on my sidebar, you can look up dumping in that.)

Since I work at a fitness center, so I have the ability to work out a lot. And, I don’t mind the foods that I will have to eat to keep my protein levels up. However, I’m not to keen on fish. I made myself some fish the other day, and it stayed with me for the next two days. AND … anyone who knows me knows I love water, and I drink about 80 oz a day.

However, I’ve read some stories from people who loved water before the surgery but were unable to drink it afterwards. And if they were able to drink it, they weren’t drinking enough. I am so hoping I’m not one of those people.


Blogger jessie200 said...

Hi Melissa,

My Mum had stomach cancer and had to have part of her stomach removed. When she eats very sweet and rich things like cakes, tarts and cream she tells me she experiences 'dumping'. She says if she has a very tiny quantity (like a teaspoon) she is okay and she still gets the taste of it, but any more and she is in real pain for a while after.

On another note; I too am not a fan of fish, but I have found Atlantic Salmon to taste so much better than white fish, in fact this is the only fish my daughter will eat also. I think that this could be expensive if you live in small town, maybe you can buy this in bulk frozen?

Keep well,


Thursday, September 07, 2006 6:25:00 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

HI again Jessica ... I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I hope removing part of her stomach has helped her cancer.

I've heard horror stories about dumping. I think I'll stay away from foods that will create it.

I don't think I will ever like the taste of fish. As a child, we had a freezer stocked full of it. We went through a very poor time for about a year, and we had fish for breakfast lunch and dinner.

The only way I can eat fish is if its deep fried, and that is still a stretch.

What do you do down in Australia? I used to babysit two boys when I was a kid that were from there. They were so cute.

Thursday, September 07, 2006 9:31:00 PM  
Blogger jessie200 said...

I am a National Account Manager for a company that sells Digital Cameras. I look after Mass Merchants and large Department Stores. I travel a fair bit at the moment and I am finding this really hard cause I really miss my baby girl lots.
When I not travelling I head into the office and read my favourite blogs whilst I eat my breakfast!

Sunday, September 10, 2006 5:27:00 PM  

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