Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Child of the 80's ...

My coming of age years were spent in the 80's. I know, everyone thinks their generation was the best, but I truly enjoyed the 80's. The music, the fashion, the teeny bopper movies, the mall, the beach, everything. It was the birth of music videos, what could be better to claim fame for?

Most of the 80's, I spent in California, and that was the place to be. I watched the fashion pretty well, I wore bandanas a million different ways, I wore saftey pins along the seams of my pants ... I was a preppy punk. I thought it was really cool.

Like I've said, I love to dance, and there was plenty to dance to in the 80's. I graduated from high school in 83 and went directly to college. It was an alright college. I'm sure there were some that loved it there, I didn't HATE it, but it wasn't where I needed to be.

It was a religious college, practicing a certain religion. (I am not going to name it, so as to not offend anyone) Our classes were scheduled around chapel, church was mandatory ... ect. Plus you had to adhere to their doctrine, no dancing. NONE. ZIP. ZERO. There were more things that we couldn't do, but that was the biggie. We had "ice cream socials" not dances. Lets all sit around and get fat, K? Instead of (OMG) dance.

In late 83 or early 84, Footloose came out. That became a movie (voice) for the ones who felt the oppresion. We sought each other out while we were there, and there were times where we would hide behind our doors and have dances in our dorm rooms. What rebels we were. I was the biggest rebel of them all in our dorm. I played AC/DC all the time, loudly. No one appreciated it. Oh well.

So ... we saw Footloose as a cult movie. We saw it probably about 30 times. I own it in DVD right now, I've had it in VHS. I've had the soundtrack on tape, now on CD ... of course its on my computer. And I'm listening to it right now as I type this. All sorts of memories are soaring back to me.

Its amazing (I'm talking about the movie now), how all the town suppressed the dancing in their little small town, and how they, at the end of the movie, were very good dancers. I have never been able to dance anything more than my own living room type dancing, no matter how much I've tried.

Soooo ... here's the tail end of the movie. What it was all about, what we did in hiding at the college I went to. I still don't understand why we couldn't dance. I'll never get that.


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