Happy Happy Joy Joy !!!
WARNING: This post is going to be mushy, smarmy and full of all those warm fuzzy type of feelings.
Ohhhhh ... AND she says I can post her picture. I have a few pictures of her now, but I'm posting this one because I think it looks the most like me.
I think my Baby Sister is a little cutie. Check out the statues. Andy and Opie, gotta love that. Makes me want to whistle.
I've said this all before. I know I have. I'm repeating myself. But I can't help it. This is so overwhelming that I have to express it somehow. So you guys get to be tortured through all this.
When my Mom and I first started talking I thought my life couldn't get any better. I mean, someone I have searched for, for 22 years is finally in my life. And its good. I feared rejection for so long that towards the end of my search, I almost gave up.
Then when we met, I finally knew what family felt like. I felt at home in her house. I felt like I belonged there. I never had that feeling with my adoptive family. I always felt like an outsider. I was so comfortable with my Mom. She's awesome.
Never in my wildest dreams did I know that it would be as good as it is with my Mom. We can talk about just about anything, and we're getting so close. I can't believe I almost gave up looking for her.
So, as you all know, I'm now talking with my Baby Sister. Well, she's not so much a baby, she is 36. (Happy Belated Birthday Sis) Everyone look at the comments in the previous post and you'll see a note posted by her. We just got done talking a few minutes ago, I think we were talking about 5 or 6 hours.
I was left with such a feeling of joy and happiness. How did I get so lucky? I've never had this before. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. That one is for you E.
Ohhhhh ... AND she says I can post her picture. I have a few pictures of her now, but I'm posting this one because I think it looks the most like me.

Something that I'm finding out meeting these two incredible women, is that we're a strong breed.
I've known E for a little over a week now, and she's already found a place in my heart. Mom ... you've been there always, just more so now.
I love you both, you mean the world to me.
Me too?
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